Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Story So Far . . .

Here's a summary of my game activities since May 1st.

May 4th - Todd's House -
  • Medici - A card-flipping auction game. It was close but I did manage to win this one. I recommend giving it a try.
  • Twitch (new) - A fast card game, a bit like a card-slapping game without actual slapping.
May 6th - Ursuppe (new) and San Juan with DL and EM.
  • Ursuppe (aka Primordial Soup) (new) - Gangs of amoebas struggling for total soup domination via genetic advancement and sheer force of numbers. It was everyone's first time to play, and I lost badly.
  • San Juan - Card based spin-off of Puerto Rico. I won this time. Thank you, Guild Hall.
May 11th, Lunchtime - Whoonu with co-workers - A simple game about trying to figure out what other people's favorite things are. The important thing is that there was much laughter and a good time was had by all.

May 11th, Todd's House - Played Attika (new) with Todd and MW, which is to say that Todd taught us how to play by beating us soundly. It's a complicated "stone-placing" game, and I'm sure I haven't a clue about just how complex it is, yet. Must try it again sometime.

Stats as of May 14th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 6
  • New Titles Played: 3
  • Days elapsed / remaining: 14 / 221


At Mon May 15, 10:23:00 PM CDT, Blogger Todd D. said...


How long did it take you to play Primordial Soup?

Also, in general, since the player with the fewest victory points has their amoebas move and eat first, that tends to be a balancing mechanism. Was that a factor at all?

In our maybe-a-dozen plays, everyone had pretty much decided that the thing to do was pick up Movement 1 on the first turn, with an eye to get Movement 2 on the second turn. I am curious as to your group's first impressions.

At Tue May 16, 07:26:00 PM CDT, Blogger Chris said...

I think it was somewhere between 60 and 90 minutes, but I'm not really sure. Sometimes moving first didn't appear to be an advantage. DL managed to get Movement 1, Speed, and Streamline, and then moved up to Movement 2. He won.


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