Friday, May 19, 2006

Dragons and Treasures and Artifacts, Oh My!

Thursday night at Todd's house, we played Aladdin's Dragons with five people. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it went. The game involves lots of blind bidding, which is not necessarily my favorite mechanic. Fortunately, the group played at a good pace with little analysis paralysis. I finished in the middle of the pack with an even par score of 6 artifacts.
We played with the simple non-magic rules. I think adding in the magic rules would slow the game down signficantly, because there would be much more for the players to think about, more decisions to be considered. I might try it sometime, just to see.

Stats as of May 18th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 7
  • New Titles Played: 3
  • Days elapsed / remaining: 18 / 227


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