Sunday, April 22, 2007

51 Days Later...

Wow, 51 days without a post. Since I'm so far behind, the best I can manage is a big summary post.
March 3rd - Bridge for the first time in roughly forever. We played 24 hands and since I played with 3 different partners, that going into the stats as 3 "sessions."
March 9th - Taught Attika to a friend. We played 3 two-player games in a row.
March 10th - Wyatt Earp
March 15th - Power Grid - Benelux
March 22nd - Two games of Tsuro (new), which I prefer to call "LightCycles," followed by Alhambra and Puerto Rico. I gave a clinic on how to lose at Alhambra, but I did manage to grind out a win at PR.
March 23rd - Taught Family Business and Attika (two 4-player games.)
March 24th - Playtesting day - 3 playtests plus a game of Hare and Tortoise (or Hedgehog.)
March 29th - Hacienda (new) - I need to try that one again sometime, now that I know what's going on.
April 5th - Tigris and Euphrat followed by Fische Fluppen Frikadellen (new)
April 12th - Puerto Rico, followed by two short games of Family Fluxx (new). I prefer regular Fluxx to "Fluxx Lite." We finished the evening with Can't Stop.

April 19th - Fearsome Floors and Medici. I like both and am not particularly good at either.

Stats as of April 22nd:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 52
  • New Titles Played: 11
  • Days elapsed/remaining: 112 / 253