Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day Gaming

What better way to start Christmas morning than by logging in to BSW and playing some Can't Stop and Lost Cities? Ok, so I'm sure you can think of some better ideas, but since I was waiting for breakfast to be served, I thought I'd get some light gaming in. Later in the afternoon, I went over to my aunt and uncle's house for more gaming. We started off with a tight game of Ingenious and then I showed them how to play Nobody But Us Chickens. Late last night, I suffered a crushing defeat at Lost Cities on BSW. We played to 300, and I only scored 225. I closed out the night by trying out WBridge5, a free standalone bridge program. All in all, it was a good day for games.

Stats as of December 25th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 127
  • New Titles Played: 26
  • Days elapsed/remaining: 359 / 6


At Wed Dec 26, 06:52:00 PM CST, Blogger Todd D. said...

Chris, we'll definitely have to get in some Lost Cities on BSW. My id is boardgamemadness, naturally.


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