Starting Off With a Bang
Well, it's been a busy week of gaming.Thursday at Todd's house, we started off with a filler game of Treehouse (new). It was short and intriguing. I think I would try it again. The main event for the evening was a 4 player game of RA, which ended up being a pretty close race between the three experienced RA players at the table. Todd, Lee, and I capped off the night with a hand of Lord of the Fries, using the Montezuma's Mexican Deli menu. It definitely felt different from playing with the standard Friedey's menu, and Lee crushed us mercilessly.
Today, I taught DL and EM how to play Attika by beating them four games in a row. There were definite points where one good or bad draw could have given someone else the win, but in the end I managed to grind out a win. Despite their string of losses, they both liked the game; so I'll be getting my own copy of Attika soon.
Stats as of January 6th:
- Individual Game Sessions: 7
- New Titles Played:1
- Days elapsed/remaining: 6 / 359
I got nightmarishly slaughterized in that Lord of the Fries game; I think my final score was -2...
On one hand, I always enjoy Lord of the Fries when I play, but on the other hand, I pick when and how I play it. For what it is, it takes about three times too long in the first game, and then gets more fun.
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