Friday, May 26, 2006

Colonial Economics and Ancient Auctions

It was another Thursday night at Todd's house with lots of people, and we played two great games.
  1. San Juan - the card game spin-off of Puerto Rico. It plays a bit differently with four than three, which is the number I usually play with. It was tightly contested, with Todd managing to build an early lead in buildings. In the end, Todd won on the tie-breaker, almost upset by M's massive chapel accumulation. I finished 4 points behind the leaders. I like this game; it's already in my collection.
  2. RA - a complex auction game set in ancient Egypt. This game can definitely burn up your brain if you let it. I hadn't played in over a year; so I stumbled through this one, not particularly confident in any of my decisions. I must have done something right, because I won this one, on the tie-breaker. What are the odds of that, two games, both decided by the tie-breakers in one night? I'm glad RJ brought this one, because now that I remember just how cool RA is, I'm going to get my very own copy.
Stats as of May 25th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 9
  • New Titles Played: 3
  • Days elapsed / remaining: 25 / 220


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