Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dr. Caylus or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Provost

We learned how to play Caylus at Todd's house on Thursday. It was long, and by "long," I mean about 4 hours, at which point I was well beyond my scheduled bedtime and had a 8:00 meeting scheduled for the next morning... but I digress. The length was partially due to the fact that 4 of the 5 people had never played before, and that after 10:30 pm, some of us were having difficulty focusing; so I am optimistic that my next game will be speedier. That said, it's a complex game, thus the award, and I spent the first part rather paranoid that the provost would nullify my placement of precious workers. I eventually realized that timid worker placement could destroy my chances of winning and that due to the incentives for other players to move the provost forward instead of backward, placing workers near the provost was not as risky as it had originally seemed. I'm certainly intrigued enough to play it again, but if most games take 2 hours or more, I'm unlikely to add it to my collection. (The upper limit of my playing time "sweet spot" is about 90 minutes.)

Also, Saturday afternoon I taught a couple people how the play Ticket to Ride, and lost pretty badly as the other two experienced players blew us off the map. Due to a strategic miscalculation at the beginning of the game, I failed to complete one of my original destination cards, which was a 34 point swing.

Stats as of January 28th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 11
  • New Titles Played: 4
  • Days elapsed/remaining: 28 / 337


At Sat Feb 24, 07:22:00 PM CST, Blogger Todd D. said...

Can't wait to see your comments on Ysphahan and Princes of Florence...


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