Saturday, December 29, 2007

School of Games

On Thursday, I reacquainted my uncle with Tigris & Euphrates. (I borrowed Todd's German edition with English translation for the holidays.)

On Friday, I taught several games to RK and a couple of his friends. RK and I started out with two-player Tigris & Euphrates, followed by a quick round of Lost Cities. Then, his two buddies arrived and we played Ingenious, Can't Stop, Nobody But Us Chickens, and Give Me the Brain. Finally, RK and I got in another round of Lost Cities before dinner.

Tigris & Euphrates is pretty good, but I don't think it will make it into my top tier of games. I'm definitely interested in playing more Lost Cities, which is fairly easy given that it's on BSW. Ingenious has been popular with everyone I've taught it to, and I think it makes a great 3-4 player game. Nobody But Us Chickens seems to improve as you add more people. Can't Stop is a good quick game that doesn't require too much thinking. Give Me the Brain is amusing at times, but altogether too random for my taste.

Stats as of December 28th:
  • Individual Game Sessions: 138
  • New Titles Played: 26
  • Days elapsed/remaining: 362 / 3


At Sun Dec 30, 10:49:00 AM CST, Blogger Todd D. said...

Chris, are you playing the original Give Me The Brain, or the color Deluxe version that adds more cards and the "substitute" brains? Of the two, I think the new color version is better, and less prone to deadlock.


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