Friday, January 11, 2008

2007 Retrospective

2007 was a year of many games. In honor of Peter King, the only sportswriter that I read even semi-regularly, here are ten things I think I think:
1. I think I really enjoy trick-taking games. Bridge is my all time favorite. aBridged is basically "bridge-lite" and fun when you don't have people around who have already learned bridge. I like Wizard because you can play with 3 to 6 people.
2. I think Ingenious is clever, fun, and doesn't last too long.
3. I think Lost Cities is one of the best two-player only games I've played.
4. I think auction games often have potential for greatness, but I often don't want to teach them because they can take several plays to really understand. New players can destroy themselves with one or two bad auction decisions, which doesn't make for a fun learning experience.
5. I think I'm constantly surprised by how many people play Settlers of Catan for the first time and just love it. I should probably just expect that reaction by now.
6. I think I would buy a copy of Nobody But Us Chickens if it were still in print.
7. I think Puerto Rico is still my favorite board game (as opposed to card game) and I should try to play it more often in 2008. Too bad it's no longer available on BSW.
8. I think I need to play Enemy Chocolatier again.
9. I think that despite all the good things I've heard about 18xx, it may be difficult to convince me to play a 3 hour plus game.
10. I think I need to seriously consider trading out some of the stuff in my collection that has very little chance of hitting the table.

Full Year Stats for 2007
  • Individual Game Sessions: 139
  • New Titles Played: 26